THE MERMEN COME ASHORE at MOE'S ALLEY - CATCH THE SHOW! And in a very cool December Feature, catch THE MERMEN at MOE'S ALLEY on Friday, December 14 FOR A "VERY MERMAN XMAS".
Here's a surf band that sounds like....well....nobody else! No, we're not kiddin'. If you don't have a MERMAN CD in your collection..well, you really haven't heard NOR-CAL surf music! And this is a Santa Cruz Chapter benefit show, too! Have fun and help your local Surfrider chapter at the same time! Stop by the Surfrider table and say "Hi!"
"The best rock and roll is poetry in motion, with or without words — and some of the best records of the year came without. The Mermen play an extreme brand of surf music; the trebly turbulent and black minor chord moods of guitarist Jim Thomas are like a rough ride on the icy seas of the mid-Atlantic. Hints of Dick Dale filter through the cracked sidewalk wave forms of Sonic Youth. Thomas sounds more like Neil Young at the wheel of the good ship Crazy Horse." --David Fricke, Rolling Stone