You, your family and friends are invited to learn about the proposed SANTA CRUZ REDWOODS NATIONAL MONUMENT at this CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF EVENT, featuring Congresswoman ANNA ESHOO and former Secretary of the Interior BRUCE BABBITT at Kaiser Permanente Arena in Santa Cruz.
Representatives of the Bureau of Land Management, other California communities that have recently established National Monuments, and members of the local Citizens Campaign Committee will also be speaking.
Santa Cruz has the opportunity to have President Obama and Congress designate 5800 acres of our Coast Dairies property - North of Wilder Ranch State Park, and South of Swanton, into a permanently protected, and publicly accessible NATIONAL MONUMENT. Come learn about the property, the process and how we can work together to convince our national leaders to designate Coast Dairies as the SANTA CRUZ REDWOODS NATIONAL MONUMENT. Event Link
This opportunity, has been called a "once in a lifetime" chance to protect our watershed, ecosystem and gateway to the redwood forests of the Santa Cruz Mountains.
This event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited so register today!
DATE/TIME: Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 6:00PM TO 8:00PM
LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente Arena, 140 Front Street, Santa Cruz
PARKING: Metered parking is available on-street, and in pay lots throughout downtown Santa Cruz. (City Parking Services website)
For further information about the Monument Proposal, visit our website: