California’s coastal protection legacy is under attack. We need your help! A behind-the-scenes effort to terminate Dr. Charles Lester, the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission, has just come to light. All Californians need to join together, stand up for the coast, and defend the Coastal Commission leadership and independent staff. PLEASE TAKE 30 SECONDS AND HELP PROTECT OUR CA COAST HERE!
The attack on Executive Director Lester is an attack on the Coastal Act. This attempted coup d’états is a power grab designed to undermine the integrity of the Coastal Program and put California’s long legacy of coastal protection at risk.
Join us in asking the California Coastal Commission to stand up for the Coastal Act and support Executive Director Lester.
Our coast is at stake—help us uphold the integrity of the Coastal Act and maintain world-class protection of coastal access and coastal resources—now and in the future. For more background information go here, and visit ActCoastal to stay up to date, read media coverage, and learn more about the public hearing occurring Feb 10, 2016, in Morro Bay.