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Santa Cruz Surfrider

As your Surfrider Foundation Santa Cruz Chapter, we're dedicated to protecting our oceans, waves, and beaches. Now is the time to take action! Whether by volunteering, advocating, or donating, your support is key to preserving our beautiful Santa Cruz County coastline.

Join us today and make a lasting impact!

Our Mission

Where the land meets the sea

The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network.

Our Programs

A volunteer picking up trash at the beach
Featured Program

Beach Clean-Ups

A Surfrider Foundation program to tackle the ocean litter issue – primarily caused by plastic pollution - through education for action, community science, and campaigns. We are all part of the solution and together we can restore our coastlines, one beach at a time.

Our Network

A volunteer holding a handful of trash

Join Our Network

We're always looking for volunteers to help affect change locally. Join us.

The Surfrider Foundation is committed to fostering a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive organization for all people who protect and enjoy the world’s ocean, waves and beaches.

Support Surfrider

Your support will help us get one step closer to our vision of protecting 100% of our coasts.